スペース貸切りレンタル料金表/Exclusive Rental of the Space 

A面のみ  /  Only Space A
1Week  ……………¥70,000- [¥42,000-]

AB両面  / Both Space A&B
1 Week  ……………¥150,000- [¥90,000-]
1 Day(平日)………¥20,000-
1 Day(土日)………¥25,000-

※[ ]内は学割適用時の金額です。

※Cost for renting the space for gallery, event...
※The price between brackets [ ] is applicable to students
※Depending on the usage extra charges can be applicable
※If more information is needed please don't hesitate to contact us

制作スペースレンタル料金表/Rental of Space for Workshop

1 Month……………¥30,000- 
1 Week ……………¥10,000-
1 Day(平日)………¥2,000-
1 Day(土日)………¥3,000-

※Using the space for workshop consists of sharing the space with the resident members and other temporary users. If you wish to use the space in an exclusive manner for workshop, please refer to the "Exclusive Rental of the Space" section.
※This usage is possible at any time outside exclusive rental days.
※If the production availability date falls below 21 days in total due to exclusive rental scheduled previously within 1 month use period, we will give you a one-day use ticket for the missing usage day.
※For 1 week use, we will give you a 1 day ticket for 7 days. You can use it for 7 days in your favorite schedule with no reserved appointment within 1 month from the first time.
※Please consult us beforehand when using organic solvents, fire or for any special production.
※If more information is needed please don't hesitate to contact us
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